Frequently Asked Questions

Fiona Beckford and her associate Dr Kumar Birch


1. Do you offer group supervision as well as individual?

Yes we offer group and individual clinical supervision. Let us know if you are interested in joining a group and we can get you booked into one.


2. How do you work with managers around cultural and racial differences? 

We have years of experience in addressing difficult situations which many managers and directors find themselves in. We help them work through race and cultural differences by offering either reverse mentoring (one to one), or reflective practice (group or departmental) support. This is achieved by creating a safe space for each person to better understand themselves in relation to race and culture. This knowledge, once implemented (and we help you with that too), creates healthier professional relationships with the staff you manage, work alongside or those you provide your services to, while exploring interpersonal dynamics, promotes emotional intelligence, which helps build confidence and gives managers time to digest best practice. We have worked with the NHS and other organisations, including NGO's.


3. Do you work with couples?

Yes we do. Most couples in relationships quite often feel unheard or misunderstood by the other party, and the ease in communication once enjoyed is replaced with frustration, sadness and thoughts of 'getting out'. We can help you listen differently and find a new way to be heard that works for everyone.


4. Do you offer coaching for parents struggling with small children?

Yes we do. If your child displays tantrums, screaming, isolation, harming themselves or hurting others, biting, scratching, not eating much, overeating or likes to line up toys and becomes distressed when the toys are moved, we can help you connect with your child in ways that will surprise you. 

Contact Us for a free 15-minute online consultation to find out more.


5. Do you work with dual heritage clients?

Yes we do, in fact we specialise. Clients from dual heritage parents often share with us their feelings around taking sides and feeling guilt, shame or regret when the other side of their heritage is either not embraced or openly acknowledged. Estranged family dynamics can leave you lacking in direction, motivation or life purpose. We understand that everyday decisions can feel overwhelming and can increase anxiety levels in some relationships.  We have developed an option of therapies to help address these tensions.


6. Do you work with families?

Yes we do. Family dynamics can be some of the hardest relationships to navigate and we understand the distress some of these relationships can bring. We work with adult family members and children 12 years of age and above. We work online and provide a safe space for all family members to be heard, supported and understood. 


7. How are the sessions delivered?

All sessions are delivered online to make them as accessible to the majority of people as possible and are tailor made to meet your needs. 


8. Do you offer face to face sessions?

Unfortunately, at present this is not a service we offer. Since Covid, we have moved our practice online and found that clients are more than happy to work with us this way. It eliminates travel costs and allows us to keep our session rates competitive.


9. How much do you charge?

Our charges vary  depending on income, services required and number of participants. If group work of six or more persons is required, this figure can be negotiated.  However, for individual therapy sessions, prices start at £70 per session. Please be aware that we ask for 1 weeks’ notice of any cancellations. Where a cancellation is unavoidable, we will try to offer an alternative where we are able.

The Town Practice

Psychotherapy to help lift the heaviness

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