Here's what some of our clients say about working with us...

Some client’s names and pictures have been changed, to safeguard their identity.

Safe Space

"As a person of colour myself, I know how important it is to have a safe space and in particular in the last year I've encountered racism in terms of the impact of the pandemic, so I know fully well what it means to be a person of colour, living in our society today, and to be able to have a place where you can go and be safe, is absolutely tremendous."

Mark Lam - CEO at East London NHS Foundation Trust
June 2020-December 2022 - during the Corona virus pandemic.

Before I started working with The Town Practice my life was much more confused. I thought I understood my son, but I have realised I didn't. They helped me to understand the communication between my son and I and I started focusing on positives much more than negatives. On a scale from 0-10 (0 being extremely poor and 10 being extremely rich) After working with The Town Practice I would give myself 9 out of 10 on your scale, whereas before it was 2 or 3 out of 10.

Nicolla and her 3-year-old son Zak

Parental Support

“I started having sessions because I had anxiety, I didn’t feel safe going to school or being in other busy places. After working through my anxiety, it has decreased massively, and I now feel safe and happy to go to busy places and school. I feel like a new person!

Anna - 15 years old

Teenage Therapy

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