Here at the Town Practice, our vision is to see people freed from carrying trauma, painful repetitive habits, sadness, regret, shame and spiritual bondage.  We are passionate about supporting people break away from ways of thinking or behaving that limit us, and we take pleasure in witnessing the transformation from who you are now, to who you will become!


We work to empower you through growth, development, personal insight, psychoeducation and change. We'll help you address those painful memories that hold you back, and enable you to have those difficult conversations, which once aired, can lead to clarity, bring understanding, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace.

We also work with organisations, helping them remove barriers that unnecessarily separate staff from service users and managers, which maintains division and negatively impacts effective communication. 

With our easy to implement solutions, we'll help you reduce conflict, increase staff retention which can lead to a boost in staff morale and productivity.


Practitioners at The Town Practice are qualified (MA, PhD), experienced (with Over 40yrs combined experience) and accredited members of UK based professional governing bodies, so you can have peace of mind and confidence when you work with us (BACP, UKCP, BPS, HCPC). 

Further information on these governing bodies is available upon request. 


Our practitioners also take part in regular continuous professional development (CPD) to stay up to date in the services we offer you. Our other core values are to provide an environment for you to be open and feel heard, respected, relaxed, and assured that equity is practiced. All data is kept safe and is strictly confidential, as we are GDPR compliant.


When we work with you, there is no judgement placed on the information you share. Our role is to emotionally and spiritually meet you where you are, work through the issues you share and support you at your pace.

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